Ka‘anapali 2020 — Masterplan
Since 1999, Kaanapali Land Management Corp. has been working with the West Maui community on a concept for our 913-acre property called “Ka‘anapali 2020.”
Our shared vision for the Ka‘anapali 2020 plan is to create distinct communities where residents of varying lifestyles and incomes can live, work and play in West Maui. Our master planning efforts build upon previous planning efforts and incorporate current community input and values. Through the years, Ka‘anapali 2020 master plan has undergone a number of changes. These revisions are the result of community input, financial feasibility studies, and zoning considerations - all of which continue to shape the land use plan.
Project features:
A mix of single and multi-family housing including senior rental housing.
Neighborhood communities separated by green open space corridors where residents can walk and bike to visit their neighbors and community facilities. They will also be able to bike, drive or catch a bus or shuttle to and from their jobs within West Maui.
The Ka‘anapali 2020 master-planned community is consistent with the County of Maui's General Plan.
Land use plan preserves a central view corridor preserving gulches and environmentally sensitive areas, and the natural beauty of the land.
The protection of archaeological sites and areas within the Honokowai Gulch, where traditional agricultural practices are being restored.
Approximately 1,187 acres in the West Maui Forest Reserve area will remain in the Conservation District under the stewardship of The Nature Conservancy of Hawai‘i.
A number of public facilities benefiting the community, including lands set aside for an acute care medical facility, senior rentals, a cultural center, community gardens and lands set aside for a school.
Recreational options include passive and active parks, and biking and walking paths.
The Ka‘anapali 2020 Project Development Area Plan will be implemented in phases over an approximately 50 year build-out period.

What community stakeholders are saying about Ka‘anapali 2020:
Hans Michel:
As a former 32-year Pioneer Mill employee and 7-year Kaanapali resort employee, I felt it was important to be involved in the Ka‘anapali 2020 project, and I have since day one.
When we first started the planning process in 1999, over 120 people participated. Today there are 12-14 people who consistently attend the monthly meetings. I feel it's important that those who participate have lots of patience, are honest, and committed to making a difference in their community.
There are so many people who want to see this project realized as it offers a number of benefits for West Maui, including affordable housing."
John Kuia:
I was working at the Kaanapali golf course at the time I started participating in the Ka‘anapali 2020 project. My reasons were primarily to help my family, friends and co-workers with their housing needs.
What I learned through this planning process, is that there are so many variables in developing a community — some of which you have no control over. I've learned a great deal by being involved in this process."
Bob Kawaguchi:
I believe that when you start something, you should finish it — Ka‘anapali 2020 is no exception.
Although this planning process has taken a while, I'm proud of what our team has accomplished because we did it the right way."
Eve Clute:
I've been involved with the K2020 planning process since it began in November 1999. My involvement was focused on the West Maui Hospital, creating additional parks and the project's density. As a doctor of pubic health, I support community-based planning and would like to see this process used for all developments.
Paul Laub:
I got involved as a member of the West Maui Veterans Club and President of the Maui County Veterans Council as well as a regular citizen. I felt it was very important to the west side people to have input in any major development especially one that had the promise of securing appropriate medical facilities here.
The Ka‘anapali 2020 is clearly an excellent process model as every concerned individual has the opportunity to have his/her ideas heard and processed. No one can complain that they never knew. It is all out front!
Joe Pluta:
Participating in the Ka‘anapali 2020 planning process from the very beginning has been a rewarding experience.
As a resident of West Maui, a business owner/operator and as the president of the West Maui Taxpayer's Association and the West Maui Improvement Foundation Inc., I was very interested in the involvement of the West Side Community into the planning process.
I believe that the Ka‘anapali 2020 process is the template for all developers to follow statewide. Hawaii residents want an opportunity to have input in what happens in their communities and this planning process provides just that.
Zeke Kalua:
The project represents many years of community planning to do what is pono. I share in the Kuleana of the project as a community leader. Delivering an asset to the community and making good on the promises of creating necessary infrastructure such as a hospital and cemetery as well as the promise of affordable housing and new community parks will impact me personally as I see to it that what we as a team started out to do becomes reality for those who are still here, as was wanted by those who shared there manao along the way, that are no longer with us. Malama Pono Uncle Ed Lindsey & Jim Wriston III.
Bruno Ariyoshi:
I think the Ka‘anapali 2020 is an excellent community-based planning process. Over the years we've seen a lot of give and take. Although you cannot please everyone 100% of the time, each person has an opportunity to share what they want to see in this project and the community that we've created together is our shared vision, one that I believe Lahaina will be proud of.
John Coté:
It is important that we all "weigh in" as to the goings on in our community. Our Ka‘anapali 2020 meetings offer a wonderful opportunity for anyone to become part of the decision making process for this community. It gives one a feeling of participation.
For me this project has made a huge impact in my life. The opportunity to meet many local residents with big hearts and lots of caring is truly rewarding. Also, to have worked for five years at Ka‘anapali Coffee Farms and with the Kaanapali Land Management Corp. team put lifetime experiences under my belt.